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The CC Debt Slayer

$17 USD | Created by Dr. Budgets

Slash Your Credit Card Debt and Conquer Your Finances! This is the ultimate budget calculator for those ready to finally obliterate their credit card debt!

  • This is an all in one solution that will help you organize your debt in one place while also giving you the best repayment strategy to pay off your debts for your individual situation.

This is an all in one solution that will help you organize your debt in one place while also giving you the best repayment strategy to pay off your debts for your individual situation.


Kai from Dr. Budgets

Ever met a personal trainer for finances? Well you have now! For the last 7 years, I have spent my days helping people have a better relationship with their money and pay off debt that was stressing them out.

As the head coach and owner of Dr. Budgets, I've made it my mission to help as many people improve their finances as possible while making numbers feel like intimidating.

The CC Debt Slayer

Slash Your Credit Card Debt and Conquer Your Finances! This is the ultimate budget calculator for those ready to finally obliterate their credit card debt!

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