📍 Mississauga, ON, Canada
I help women combat the aging signs on their face naturally so that they can age confidently and beautifully without needles and knives. I also host a series of workshops tackling specific facial concerns like double chin, puffiness, eye bags/dark circles, forehead lines, and posture. When I am not coaching my clients, you can find me spending time with my family, reading books, or designing/decorating my home.

What moment or experience inspired you to start your business? What was your vision at the beginning?
After being a homemaker for several years, when my second child was ready for school, I wanted to do something that would help someone (especially women) live a better life and also have flexibility in working hours. That was also a time in my life when I was looking at myself in the mirror and feeling that my face was changing and maybe I had let go of myself. I knew there were things that I could do to take care of my body, but what about my face? I remember feeling frustrated that there was nothing I could do (needles and knives were never an option for me) and convincing myself that I had to accept the inevitable. That's when I stumbled upon Face Yoga and the external and internal changes I felt in myself were remarkable. Hence, I decided to complete my teacher's training in Face Yoga and become a Certified Face Yoga Coach so that I can help several other women age confidently and beautifully without seeking invasive procedures with dangerous side effects.
What does a typical day for you look like?
Being a Face Yoga Coach, people often assume that I must have a fancy morning routine with meditation, journaling, exercising, and practicing face yoga. But honestly, I am a mom first and my day begins at 6 AM when I head to the kitchen to prepare fresh meals for my kids' lunch boxes and get them ready for school. Then it's time for walking my dog while listening to a guided meditation (yes, I do walking meditation/visualization) after which I spend about 30 minutes either exercising or engaging in another self-care activity like meditation or face yoga. After that, I work on my businesses (multiple) until my kids are back from school. Then it's time for listening to their school stories, helping with homework, preparing dinner, and cleaning up. Once the kids are off to bed, I take some time for myself practicing any of my self-care routines like facial cupping, face yoga, massage, and reading books. That's my routine on most days. Nothing fancy but fulfilling and joyful.
What unique routines or habits do you believe contribute to your success?
Morning walks with my dog while listening to my favorite meditation audio have been my most favorite routine in the last few months. Who says that meditation needs to be done only by sitting still in a place? There is something so divine and magical about meditating and visualizing when you are moving and out in nature. No matter what routine you choose, consistency is the key to success. Incorporating meditation into my walking has helped me stay consistent with the practice that I often struggle to keep up with. Another favorite meditation/visualization place for me is in the shower. It's warm, soothing, relaxing, and helps me stay consistent. People are busy, and there are only so many hours in a day. For someone who finds it hard to stay still, combining meditation with other relaxing activities can be a game-changer.
What's your workstation setup?
Although I have a beautiful office in my home with a big window and bright sunlight, it is not set up yet. I have a vision to create a beautiful space that will inspire me every day. But right now, I just work with a foldable Costco desk and chair with a couple of plants around. It also has my tripods and ring lights for recording videos and a closed space for conducting my Zoom coaching sessions and workshops. However, the bright sunlight coming from the window and the beautiful view of the changing seasons cheers me up every morning when I walk into my office and sets me up for the day.

Where do you go to look for inspiration?
I don't go anywhere looking for inspiration or ideas. Ideas and inspiration flow to me when I get myself to a positive receiving state of mind. They also come from the needs of the market I serve.
What core values drive your business, and how have they shaped your path?
One core factor that I have always prioritized in my business is "Transformation." The person entering my programs and leaving them should be a better version of themselves, or it should have enhanced their life in some way. It is challenging to achieve that in mini-workshops or passive low-ticket offers. But the idea is always that whenever I deliver a product, if practiced with reasonable consistency, it should deliver the desired results to the client in a fair period of time.
What part of your business are you most proud of?
In the last couple of years, I have used my face yoga programs to work with women affected with facial paralysis. These women are people who have tried everything else (doctors, physiotherapists, acupuncture, Botox) and when it failed to work, they have approached me and found amazing results and improvements after several years of struggle. The feeling that comes from helping these people rediscover their smile and confidence and go back to living life to the fullest is something that gives me deep fulfillment, pride, and gratitude.
What’s a challenge you’re currently working on in your business?
The biggest challenge that I am trying to work through is running my business alongside being a homemaker who wants to be there for all the kids' events, field trips, and be present with them all the times they need me. Switching roles from entrepreneur to a mom/homemaker and vice versa may come easily to some, but it's been a real struggle for me. But I am learning along the way. While the online business world mostly operates on FOMO and there is always pressure to show up consistently and do things "NOW," I am breaking the pre-set rules and making my own by choosing to operate my business on my own terms and at my own pace.

What music do you listen to while working?
None really! I work best when it's calm and quiet around me.
What’s one piece of advice someone gave you that you’ll never forget?
Progress is better than perfection! Although very commonly used these days, reminding myself of this has helped me work over my perfectionism and move forward in my daily actions and business.
Any advice for ambitious professionals in your field?
Focus on what truly resonates with you and your experiences. Authenticity is key.
What shortcuts are you eyeing next on World of Shortcuts?
- Plan Like a CEO Mom
- 10 Steps to Easy Natural Video for Introverts
- How to Read Your Human Design Chart